Every year, 55 million children are victims of some type of violence in EUROPE
Unodc/Alessandro Scotti - The end of abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence and torture against children is also part of the Sustainable Development Goals.
15 January 2020 Human rights
New data have been published by the World Health Organization; about 30% of children under 18 are victims of physical violence; every year, $ 581 billion is spent on treating victims.
Every year, at least 55 million children in Europe suffer some form of physical, sexual, emotional or psychological violence, reported the World Health Organization, WHO. Even so, the agency says that "many cases of interpersonal violence are not reported" and that the total number should be much higher.
Currently, 66% of European countries prohibit corporal punishment in all environments. Photo: Unicef / Luis Kelly
According to the agency's estimates, of the 204 million children under the age of 18, 9.6% are sexually exploited, 22.9% are victims of physical abuse and 29.1% have emotional damage. In addition, 700 are murdered each year. The WHO estimates that US $ 581 billion is spent annually on treating victims, but says that "the financial cost is insignificant compared to the cost on people's health." UN studies reveal that children who experience violence are at increased risk of mental illness, drug use, alcohol and obesity when they become adults. They are also more likely to develop chronic illnesses. In a note, the director of the WHO Chronic Diseases Division in Europe, Bente Mikkelson, said that "violence against children is scary and distressing." According to her, "child trauma has a terrible cost, not only for children, whose lives are destroyed, but for the well-being and economy of all countries." Combat The agency says governments are more willing to fight the scourge. At that time, 66% of countries prohibit corporal punishment in all environments. Despite these advances.
WHO says that passing laws is only part of the solution. About 83% of European countries have created a national action plan for this area, but less than half have received the necessary funding. The UN agency has created a package of measures, called Inspire, which highlights seven successful strategies for reducing levels of violence. In addition, the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children shares the example of member states that have been successful in these efforts. SDGs The end of abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence and torture against children is also part of the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs. Bente Mikkelson stated that "with political will, everyone can solve this problem." For the specialist, "all sectors of society can make a difference and make society safer for children."
''We must make a world a place where a child can simply be a child'' comments Princess of Schwaben H.R.H. Joyce Leia de Leão e Castela e Borgonha D’ Schwaben e Hohenstaufen
The private event at CHÂTEAU OF SAINT-SAUVEUR-LE-VICOMTE. 50390 Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte, France raised £ 375.559,00 for social support and will be distributed to NGOs to combat exploitation, sexual abuse and mistreatment of children and adolescents